General Information is Asia's first and leading Travel Reservation System (TRS). It is an Internet-based booking system, which provides a unique platform and environment for travel buyers and sellers from around the world to trade over a secure Internet connection. is a one-stop travel shop for hotels, tour packages, transfers, meals, car rentals, travel insurance, etc. It links travellers directly to thousands of travel suppliers around the world. It currently offers users the convenience of making travel reservations 24-hours a day at wholesale prices. Users enjoy huge savings up to 80% off published rates!

Security of Information is designed to give you control over the privacy of your credit card and personal information, or any other details that you wish to provide us. We offer the Industry Standard Security measures available through your browser called SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Encryption. When you enter your registration or payment information, it is captured on a page that uses the SSL protocol by default. Then, the information is sent to our server using 128-bit SSL encryption, to be processed.

Contact Information

General Enquiries:
Level 2-2, Enterprise One
Technology Park Malaysia
57000 Kuala Lumpur

Customer Hotline:

Monday to Friday 8:30am-6:00pm (GMT+0800)
Saturday 8:30am-12:30pm (GMT+0800)

Fax Center:

Australia, Sydney +61.2.9475.1329
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur +60.3.8996.8001
United Kingdom, London +44.20.7681.3853
United States, San Francisco +1.413.215.1345



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